Father of Creation,
God of Compassion,
We hear the news from Spain
and see the images of waters rising,
of cars swept away, piled upon each other.
Floods burst through riverbanks—
a year’s rain crashing down in a single day.
In this horror, grief stirs deeply,
as we recognise a painful truth:
this is not a once-in-a-lifetime storm,
but a symptom of our climate broken by human hands.
We mourn the lives lost—
image bearers, mums and dads,
sons and daughters—
gone too soon to this devastation.
this capitalist, consuming world,
built on fossil fuels and endless demand,
are complicit in this destruction—
and, if unchanged, it will only grow worse.
So we pray for those who mourn,
we pray for those who grieve,
and we pray also for ourselves,
that we might awaken
and turn from all that brings death to our world.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Forgive our foolish ways.
May we become bearers of life,
protectors of this earth,
and agents of compassion,
till all tears are wiped away.
In the name of Him who wept
and called us to love our neighbours.
