Father of Creation,
God of Compassion,
Your world is on fire,
Our home is on fire.
Our hearts ache,
We struggle to come to terms with what is happening.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.
Father of Creation,
God of Compassion,
Your world is groaning,
Our hearts are groaning.
Our hearts ache,
We face missional paralysis, not knowing what to do.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.
Father of Creation,
God of Compassion,
Still our restless souls,
Calm our frantic thoughts.
We look to you
For comfort, strength and wisdom.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.
Father of Creation,
God of Compassion,
Empower your church afresh with the gift of your Spirit.
Equip us afresh to our priestly and prophetic calling.
Help us to discern what we should do.,
to raise the alarm and
stress the urgency of our emergency.
Father, we pray for pastors, protesters, prophets and poets
who seek to provide a fresh imagination
that moves beyond grief and despair.
For those across the world who have
faced arrest and imprisonment for using
peaceful civil disobedience
in seeking to enact change with
governments and corporations.
In prayer, we stand with these,
our courageous
brothers and sisters.
Lord, send your peace and hope.
Father of Creation,
God of Compassion,
You created a world of wonder,
Of possibility and potential.
You declared it to be good.
In our grief,
In our mourning,
We give thanks.
To you be praise, honour and glory.
