Father of Creation,
God of Compassion,
We thank you that you take your place
within a Holy Trinity of Love
who rules and reigns with
self-giving sacrificial love.
To you, we give all praise, honour, and glory.
In this time of climate breakdown,
we ask that we may be filled with your love.
For a love that, in a wounded world,
makes a difference.
Trinity of Love,
Fill our hearts.
For a love that, in a warming world,
manifests itself.
Trinity of Love,
Fill our hearts.
For a love that, in a culture of denial,
speaks the truth.
Trinity of Love,
Fill our hearts.
For a love that, in a world of oppression and indifference,
challenges injustice.
Trinity of Love,
Fill our hearts.
Fill our hearts, O Lord, with love for
Climate refugees,
Those caught up in climate-related conflicts,
Those suffering from extreme weather events,
Those who face drought and food shortages.
Father of Creation,
God of Justice,
We thank you for not being indifferent
to those who suffer injustice and oppression.
In this time of climate breakdown, we ask
that you would give us a holy rage,
a righteous anger,
that seeks to stand up,
speak out, and
oppose the machinery of unrestrained capitalism.
Father, in the name of your Son,
let us be those who rebel against evil that
tramples on the vulnerable.
Father, in the name of your Son,
let us be those who rebel against systems
that prioritize profit over people.
Father, in the name of your Son,
let us be those who rebel against economic forces
that place pleasure before ethics.
Father, give us courage.
Father, we ask that, like Jesus,
our anger would come from
a wellspring of Holy love.
We ask that our righteous love
and holy anger
will always be good and
never turn itself into violence.
We pray for an increase in peaceful truth-speaking,
campaigning, and protest.
We pray that it will be made clear to our governments
that we will not be silent until we have plans
put in place that do not jeopardize our futures
and the well-being of the world's most vulnerable.
Blessed are the peacemakers.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
