We found ourselves east of Eden,
Estranged and alienated,
Hostile and unholy.
We, broken sinners, yearned for a Savior,
Homesick exiles seeking a home.
Then, by grace,
His love flowed like a river,
His mercy seizing our hearts
And calling us home.
Beckoned by beauty,
And summoned by compassion,
Reconciled and realigned,
Above reproach before Him.
Who is this One who confronts the grave through the cross?
Who is this One who challenges evil with forgiveness?
Who is this Holy King serving the sinners?
It is God enfleshed,
Love unveiled,
To Him be praise and glory.
The Word made flesh,
To Him be praise and glory.
- Rev'd Jon Swales
The Prodigal Returns Sculpture by Karen Swenholt