I woke up this morning to find the Lamb still on the throne. Sure, there's a change in the UK government, but the church, the covenant community, still pledges allegiance to the compassionate kingdom, the alternative empire.
We march to the beat of a different drum, following the Lamb who rules with self-giving love.
In His kingdom, the poor are blessed, the hungry are fed, and those who hoard wealth and collude with oppressive forces are brought down, while the humble are lifted high.
This kingdom revolution, this conspiracy of compassion where heaven touches earth, extends the table of hospitality, turns outsiders into family, and transforms swords into ploughshares.
Today, my brothers and sisters, in a world of war, wealth inequality, and climate breakdown, the Lamb is still on the throne, and the kingdom of God is at hand.
Let's reorient, realign, and believe the good news.
As we pray, "Let thy kingdom come, let thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven," let's also seek, enabled by the Spirit, to love and look like Jesus.
- Swales
