Father of Creation,
God of Redemption,
We have heard it said of old,
That you acted in history,
To redeem your people from tyranny,
From Slavery in the Empire of Egypt,
To a land flowing with milk and honey.
Father of Creation,
God of Redemption,
You saw the affliction of your people,
You heard the cries of the oppressed,
You heard the groans of the enslaved,
And you delivered them with a strong and mighty hand.
Father of Creation,
God of Redemption,
We desperately need your help,
To redeem us from beastly forces,
From Slavery in the empire of unstrained capitalism,
To a land flowing with biodiversity and justice.
Father of Creation,
God of Redemption,
Do you see the affliction of your planet?
Do you hear the cries of the hungry?
Do you hear the groans from refugees?
Deliver us from our greed with a strong and gracious hand.
Father of Creation,
God of Redemption,
In the death of your Son, you disarmed the powers of empire,
In the resurrection of your Son, a new way has become possible,
For he rules and reigns with self-giving sacrificial love.
Father of Creation,
God of Redemption,
You have called us to be faithful, whatever befalls,
You have empowered us with your life-giving Spirit.
Help us to tend and keep with self-giving sacrificial love.
And so we speak and name our captors,
We renounce their power and sway,
We will not yield nor bow the knee.
Unrestrained Capitalism- your days are numbered.
Consumerism- your days are numbered.
Individualism- your days are numbered.
They bring death,
But you, O Lord, bring life.
They bring destruction,
But you, O Lord, bring restoration.
They bring slavery,
But you, O Lord, are the God of freedom.
They bring sorrow,
But in you, O Lord, is fullness of joy.
They build walls,
But you, O Lord, extend the table.
In your kingdom,
A new way is possible.
In your kingdom,
Justice flows.
In your Kingdom,
Jesus is Lord.
Father of Creation,
God of Redemption,
To you be all praise, honour and glory
Now and Forever.