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Evening Prayer: Lament and Liturgy for Climate Breakdown

Father of Creation,

The Beginning and the End.

As our evening prayer rises before you,

So may your Spirit descend,

And hold us in your love,

To you be all praise and glory.

As we face the night,

Our hearts are heavy,

Knowing that this world of yours is groaning.

For redemption, healing and wholeness.

As we face the night,

Our souls are sad,

Knowing that another day has passed,

Where we are plunged further into a world of climate breakdown.

Temperatures rise,

Lord have mercy.

Sea Levels rise,

Christ have mercy.

We pray,

For the world’s most vulnerable,

Let your kingdom come,

For those who are hungry.

Let your kingdom come.

For climate refugees,

Let your kingdom come.

For the structures and systems that support death and domination

Let your kingdom come,

Do not be silent O God,

Pull the mighty from their thrones.

Stand up for the Oppressed,

Let your will be done.

Father of Creation,

The Alpha and the Omega,

As our evening prayer rises before you,

So may your Spirit descend,

And hold us in your sweet embrace.

For you are our hope and comfort.

As we lie down,

We thank you that you hold us.

As we close our eyes,

We thank you for your peace.

As we reflect upon our day,

We thank you that you forgive us.

Father of Creation,

God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ,

We thank you for your Son,

Our Saviour,

The Good Shepherd,


May he this night lead us by quiet waters,

As this world walks through the valley of the shadow of death.

May he anoint our head with oil,

And bid our anxious thoughts to flee.

Father of Creation,

The Beginning and the End.

As our evening prayer rises before you,

So may your Spirit descend,

And hold us in your love

To you be all praise and glory.

Into thy hands, O Lord, I commend my soul and my body.

Bless me, have mercy upon me, and grant me life eternal.



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