Father of Creation,
God of Beauty,
You created a world of wonder,
And you declared it to be good,
And it is good.
To you be all praise and glory.
The earth was formless
And Void,
The Wild Goose of Love hovered over the waters of the deep,
You spoke and light and life was brought into being.
And on the fifth day,
You created every kind of bird that flies in the sky,
To you be all praise and glory.
And birds join the symphony of praise,
That reaches to your throne.
They open their beaks,
Flap their wings,
And Perform a waltz of wonder.
And birds join the symphony of praise,
That reaches to your throne
Singing ‘Holy, Holy, Holy
Is the Lord God Almighty
Who was, and is, and is to come.’
The Swallow and the Seagull,
The Parrot and the Peacock.
Flap their wings in reverent praise.
The Heron and the Hornbill,
The Condor and the Cuckoo,
Open their beaks to praise your name.
The Dove and the Duck,
The Sparrow and the Stork,
Flap their wings in reverent praise.
The Nightingale and the Nighthawk,
The Flamingo and the Falcon,
Open their beaks to praise your name.
Father of Creation,
God of Beauty,
We thank you for our feathered friends,
Our co-worshippers,
For the joy and delight they bring,
For the role they play in balancing ecosystems.
To you be all praise and glory.
Father of Creation,
God of Mercy,
We have entered the Anthropocene
In which human activity affects
Global temperatures,
Seasons, and
Weather systems.
We have betrayed our calling to tend and keep,
And instead, in our arrogance and greed,
We have forsaken Eden and built Babel,
We confess our failings.
Lord, have mercy.
Father of Creation,
God of Justice,
Our behaviour not only jeopardises our futures
and the lives of the world's most vulnerable,
But it also has devastating effects on,
The Birds,
Our feathered co-worshippers.
Lord, have mercy.
We lament and grieve that
One in Eight bird species are threatened with extinction,
We lament and grieve that 40% have declining populations
For those critically endangered:
Herald Petrel ,
Orange-bellied Parrot,
Round Island Petrel,
King Island Scrub Tit,
Spotted Quail-thrush,
Yellow Chat,
Lord, have mercy
For the many more endangered and vulnerable
Lord, have mercy
Father of Creation,
God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
Your Spirit descended as a dove,
To call and equip your Son to his kingdom witness,
So may we too be filled with your Spirit,
So that in these difficult and dark days,
Of climate breakdown, ecological collapse and existential threat,
We would be those who support the lives and well-being of creation,
The world’s most vulnerable,
And the Birds
For this is their home, this is our home,
An intricate web of beautiful biodiversity.
Father of Creation,
God of Beauty,
You have created a world of wonder,
And you declared it to be good,
And it is good.
To you be all praise and glory.
The earth was formless,
And Void,
Your Wild Goose of Love hovered over the waters of the deep.
You spoke and light and life came into being.
And on the fifth day you created every kind of bird that flies in the sky.
To you be all praise and glory.
The birds join the symphony of praise,
That reaches to your throne.
They open their beaks,
Flap their wings
& Perform a waltz of wonder.
The birds join the symphony of praise,
That reaches to your throne
Singing ‘Holy, Holy, Holy’
Is the Lord God almighty
Who was, and is , and is to come.’