Wholly Other, Wrapped in unapproachable light.
Holy Other, The One from whom the Seraphim hide their eyes.
Come Close, Draw Near, Be the imminent and the personal.
I heard it said that you stand outside of time, The unmoved mover, Directing all that is to your glory.
Right now, that doesn’t make sense. Right now, I need to feel your tears Right now, I need to hear the words
that you grieve , that you lament, that you are moved with compassion by
the brokenness of this world.
Come Close, Draw Near, Be the imminent and the personal.
I heard it said of old that the cries of your people were noticed, I heard it said of old that you stretched out your hand to deliver. I heard it said of old that you moved, responded, and acted in time for this world.
I heard it said of old that you healed the sick, I heard it said of old that you blessed the broken, I heard it said of old that you moved,
loved, and died for this world.
Come Close, Draw Near, Be the imminent and the personal.

—— Jon Swales, 2016